Friday, October 31, 2014

Extra blog

After working with my mentor for a while, I realized an important part of teaching any class is the assessments. Assessments basically determine how well a student is understanding the subject. So how do teacher assess how their students are doing? By having tests. Most students think test are the worst part of class, but little do they know that it is how they are being graded. Since most students only care about the grade instead of actually learning the subject, it is important to make test that revolve around it. When I asked my mentor about how she gets her assessments, she said she makes them. So we sat down and walked through how to make a test. The difficult part about creating a test for students is figuring out what is to difficult and what is too easy for the students. The test needs to be able to properly assess the students and to do that it needs to cover the subject entirely. 

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